

  1. Pasquetto, Irene V., Abdu, Amina. A., and & Chtena, Natascha
    Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 2024
  2. Pasquetto, Irene V, Cullen, Zoë, Thomer, Andrea, and Wofford, Morgan
    Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 2024
  3. Pasquetto, Irene V, Lim, Gabrielle, and Bradshaw, Samantha
    Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) Misinformation Review 2024
  4. Desai, Meera, Pasquetto, Irene V, Jacobs, Abigail, and Card, Dallas
    In Patterns 2024
  5. Paris, Britt, and Pasquetto, Irene V
    Cambridge Studies on Governing Knowledge Commons 2024


  1. Abdu, Amina A, Pasquetto, Irene V, and Jacobs, Abigail Z
    In Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency 2023


  1. Paris, Britt, Currie, Morgan, Pasquetto, Irene V, and Pierre, Jennifer
    Data Justice and the Right to the City 2022
  2. Shajahan, Asha, and Pasquetto, Irene V
    American family physician 2022
  3. Pasquetto, Irene V, Jahani, Eaman, Atreja, Shubham, and Baum, Matthew
    Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2022
  4. Pasquetto, Irene V, Olivieri, Alberto F, Tacchetti, Luca, Riotta, Gianni, and Spada, Alessandra
    Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2022


  1. Neff, Timothy, Kaiser, Jonas, Pasquetto, Irene V, Jemielniak, Dariusz, Dimitrakopoulou, Dimitra, Grayson, Siobhan, Gyenes, Natalie, Ricaurte, Paola, Ruiz-Soler, Javier, and Zhang, Amy
    Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review 2021
  2. Pierre, Jennifer, Crooks, Roderic, Currie, Morgan, Paris, Britt, and Pasquetto, Irene V
    In Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2021
  3. Pierre, Jennifer, Currie, Morgan, Paris, Britt, and Pasquetto, Irene V
    AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research 2021


  1. Scroggins, Michael J, and Pasquetto, Irene V
    Engaging Science, Technology, and Society 2020
  2. Scroggins, Michael J, Pasquetto, Irene V, Geiger, R Stuart, Boscoe, Bernadette M, Darch, Peter T, Cabasse-Mazel, Charlotte, Thompson, Cheryl, Golshan, Milena S, and Borgman, Christine L
    Communications of the ACM 2020
  3. Borgman, Christine L, Darch, Peter T, Pasquetto, Irene V, and Wofford, Morgan F
    Knowledge Infrastructure Workshop 2020
  4. Borgman, Christine L, and Pasquetto, Irene V
    In Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval 2020
  5. Pasquetto, Irene V, Jahani, Eaman, Baranovsky, Alla, and Baum, Matthew A
    Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics, and Public Policy 2020
  6. Bafeta, A"ida, [...] Pasquetto, Irene V, and others,


  1. Pasquetto, Irene V, Borgman, Christine L, and Wofford, Morgan F
    Harvard data science Review 2019
  2. Wofford, Morgan F, Boscoe, Bernadette M, Borgman, Christine L, Pasquetto, Irene V, and Golshan, Milena S
    Computing in Science & Engineering 2019
  3. Cavalli, Ermanno, V, [..] Irene, and others,
    EFSA Journal 2019


  1. Cornelius, Kristin B, and Pasquetto, Irene V
    In International Conference on Information 2018
  2. Donovan, Joan, Pasquetto, Irene V, and Pierre, Jennifer
    Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2018


  1. Pasquetto, Irene V, Randles, Bernadette M, and Borgman, Christine L
    Data Science Journal 2017
  2. Randles, Bernadette M, Pasquetto, Irene V, Golshan, Milena S, and Borgman, Christine L
    In 2017 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL) 2017


  1. Pasquetto, Irene V, Sands, Ashley E, Darch, Peter T, and Borgman, Christine L
    In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2016
  2. Currie, Morgan, Paris, Britt S, Pasquetto, Irene V, and Pierre, Jennifer
    Big Data & Society 2016


  1. Pasquetto, Irene V, Sands, Ashley E, and Borgman, Christine L
    Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology 2015
  2. Currie, Morgan, Paris, Brittany, Pasquetto, Irene V, Pierre, Jennifer, Sands, Ashley E, and Lievrouw, Leah A
    iConference 2015 Proceedings 2015
  3. Pasquetto, Irene V
    InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies 2015